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Ajabu Education Program

Education is a crucial foundation for the growth and empowerment of individuals and communities. However, in many poor areas, getting a good education is still a big challenge. We are committed to solving this problem by offering full support to underprivileged children. Through the education program, the Foundation makes sure that children from disadvantaged backgrounds have the chance to continue their studies and create a brighter future.

Here are the impact areas: 

Provision of School Fees
One of the biggest challenges for children in poor communities is not being able to pay for school. ACF helps childrens to pay these fees by partnering with the schools, making sure kids can go to school without their families worrying about money. By covering the school costs, the foundation takes away this major problem, so children can concentrate on their studies and reach their full potential.


Supply of Educational Requirements
In addition to paying for school fees, the foundation also gives students essential school supplies. These include textbooks, notebooks, pens, pencils, and other materials needed for learning. Having these supplies is very important for students to participate fully in their education. By providing these items, we help create an environment where children can do well in their studies.

Feeding Program
Proper nutrition is crucial for a child’s learning and focus in school. When kids eat well, they have the energy to concentrate and do their best. The foundation runs a feeding program that gives students healthy meals, helping keep the children healthy and also boost their school performance by giving them the energy and attention they need for their studies.

Provision of Uniforms
Most schools in Uganda require students to wear uniforms, which can be a big financial burden for families with low incomes. To help with this, the Ajabu Foundation provides uniforms to kids who can’t afford them. This support helps ensure that all students look the same at school, which promotes a feeling of equality and belonging. It also makes sure that every child can meet their school’s dress code requirements.


Do you want to support underprivileged children with education and hope for a better life?
Join Us to overcome the main obstacles that prevent children in poor areas from getting an education, by giving financial aid, school supplies, healthy meals, and uniforms.


Your support will create a better learning environment, helping children stay in school and work towards a brighter future for themselves and their communities.

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